Wednesday, August 22, 2012

iPad Apps and Categories

I love meeting with my 2nd grade team!  When we met last week we made a list of apps that we MUST HAVE on our student iPads, as well as some that we like and could recommend to others.  You may be looking for some good educational apps as well, so check out our list!  If you have some apps that you really like, feel free to share by adding a comment.  Some of these apps are paid apps, and some are free. 

Another thought I had about the new school year...  When parents ask what supplies they need to buy for the classroom, I am going to suggest an iTunes gift card, so I can continue to purchase great apps for the students!  I am getting excited!  How about you?

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!!!! This is a great resource Kay!!!! :-) Thank you!!!!!
