Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Liebster Award Nomination

Thanks to Christy at Crayons and Whimsey, I have been nominated for the Liebster Award - an award given by bloggers to up and coming bloggers with less than 200 followers.  Thank you so much Christy!  I have recently learned what an important resource teacher blogs can be!  The Liebster Award lets people with newer blogs know that they are appreciated, and it also helps spread the words about new blogs. 

The rules are as follows:
You need to post 11 random things about yourself.
You need to answer the questions that the nominator asks.
Create 11 questions for the people you nominate.
Choose 11 blogs you love and link them in your post.

So here we go!  Eleven random things about me are:
1.  I grew up in Council Bluffs, Iowa, but now live in Southern CA.
2.  I love to travel with my husband, and have been to Denmark, Spain, Morocco, Brazil, Italy, France, and Hawaii.
3.  I play the flute.
4.  I was Teacher of the Year for our district in 2004.
5.  I love to hike and ride my bike.
6.  I love researching my family tree.
7.  I have a passion for technology!
8.  I have a reputation for being organized.  I love organization!
9.  I love photography.
10.  I have ridden my bike with my husband throughout Denmark.
11.  I chased a robber out of our garage with a broom! (I didn't realize I had the broom till after he left.)

 Here are my answers to Christy's questions:
1.  How long have you been teaching?  18 years
2.  What is your favorite thing about being a teacher?  Making a difference in the life of a child.
3. What is your favorite grade to teach? 2nd grade
4. What type of lesson planner do you use?   My lesson plans are online in Dropbox, so I can get to them anywhere.
5. Do you have any hobbies?  My hobbies are photography, traveling, hiking, biking, blogging, technology, and researching my family tree.

6.  What is your favorite place to travel?  My favorite place so far has been Brazil.  I loved meeting the people there, and seeing the beauty found in that country.  Iguazu Falls was amazing!  We traveled to Brazil with our son, our daughter, and her husband.  All three of them speak Portuguese fluently so that was a great help!  Southern Spain and Morocco were pretty fun too!

7.  If you were stranded on a desert island tell me 3 things you would take with you.  I would take my scriptures, my camera, and my family. 

8. What was the last book you read and did you like it?  The last book I read was "Increase in Learning" by David A. Bednar.  I loved it!  The author talks about our individual responsibility to learn, and goes into the difference between knowledge, understanding, and intelligence.  It really made me think!

9. What is your favorite food?  My favorite food is popcorn!  I absolutely love it!
10. Do you watch TV?  I hardly ever watch TV.  There are way too many things I want to accomplish.  Watching TV slows me down too much! 
11. What is your favorite app?  Hmmmm, this is a hard question.  I have many favorite apps.  For me, I probably use Instagram the most.  I love documenting my life in pictures.  For my students, I love using Drawing Pad for art projects, and Book Creator for creating books that can be put into iBooks.

Questions for my nominees:
1.  When did you decide to become a teacher?
2.  What is the biggest reward in teaching?
3.  What is the biggest challenge in teaching?
4.  What is your most embarrassing moment?
5.  When were you the most proud of yourself?
6.  Who is your role model?  Why?
7.  If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go, and why?
8.  What is your favorite sport?
9.  If you could write a book, what would it be about?
10.  Where did you grow up?
11.  What is your favorite children's book to read aloud to your students? Why?

Links to Blogs I am Nominating for the Liebster Award:
A Teacher's Toolbox for the Common Core Standards
Pretty Little Pencils
Smiling and Shining in Second Grade
Learning in Wonderland
Teachers Are Terrific
Lovin' Learning
Looking from Third to Fourth
Hands On Happiness
Gretchen's Art Blog
What I Have Learned


  1. Congrats on your award and thanks for stopping by my blog!
    I'm your newest follower:)
    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

  2. Thanks Barbara! I will enjoy following you on your blog as well!

  3. Congrats on your award Kay!!! You deserve it! :) It was so fun reading this post and learning more about you! Talk to you soon!!!!!!

  4. Hey I just found your blog and I am your newest follower :)! Sent From My iPad

    1. Thanks Nikki! Glad to see you are following my blog.

      A Little Tech

  5. Thanks for passing on the award!! I have added my post about the Liebster Award and would love for you to stop by again and check it out!!


  6. Thanks for the award! I'm your newest follower too! : )
