Tomorrow is September 11th. It is always hard to know how to handle this topic with our students. I like to focus on America. I share books like "I Am America" by Charles R. Smith Jr. and then have students write why they love America. There are some other great books to use: "Messages to Ground Zero: Children Respond to September 11, 2001," Collected by Shelley Harwayne with the New York City Board of Education, "September 12th, We Knew Everything Would Be Alright," Written and Illustrated by first grade students of H. Byron Masterson Elementary in Kennett, Missouri, published by Scholastic, and "Fireboats" by Marcia S. Freeman.
I also found a Brain Pop movie that explains what happened on September 11th. The movie is free so if you don't have a Brain Pop account you can still show it. For my 2/3 combo I don't plan on showing the whole thing, since it goes into what terrorism is, and Al Quada, etc. But the beginning part is pretty good.
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